Complete IT Support & Solutions with peace of mind
If you are starting up a business Bold Alternative can help you set up your complete IT needs. From web design to dedicated servers, you name it we got it.
We have a range of services for existing businesses from Network Design to network upgrades. New server design and Server migration to day to day system administration. Search Engine Optimization to web design. Business services like Business and Market Intelligence, Risk Management and many more services to assist you launch your business.
With Bold Alternative on your side you can focus on growing your business while we take care of your Web, SEO, Digital Marketing, security, App, IT Support are to name a few of our key expertise.
Start Your Business Basic
Starting at- 1 Complete Product including:
- 1 Year Limited Support
- 1 basic VPS with (Web, mail and file server)
- 1 Domain name & 1 Word press site.
- Complete system built for the business.
- 1 Basic documentation and report.
- Plus many more.
Upgrade Your Business
Starting at- 1 Complete Product including:
- 1 Year Limited Support
- 1 VPS with (Web, mail and file server) and 1 VPS Backup Server
- 1 Domain name & 1 Word press site.
- Complete system built for the business.
- 1 Basic documentation and report.
- Plus many more.
Expand your business
Starting at- 1 Complete Product including:
- 1 Year Limited Support
- 2 Dedicated server for (Web, mail and file server and back up server)
- 1 Domain name & 1 Word press site.
- Complete system built for the business.
- 1 Basic documentation and report.
- Plus many more.
What We Do Best
At Bold Alternative, We promise efficiency, simplicity and quality services.
Web Design & Hosting
- Build Website from scratch
- Build website using premade template to fast track work
- Install additional features and secure web services
- Dedicated resources for hosting*
- Secured and safe hosting platform
- Own Mail server, file server etc included*
- Local support team with self service portal access 24/7
- Multiple back up locations
SEO & DIgital Marketing
- Optimize your search presence in major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
- Create processes and systems to involve in activities social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram etc.
- Create and maintain Digital Adverting on the internet.
- Create content for your business as part on content marketing
- Email Marketing platform setup and manage campaign
Managed IT Support
- Day to day OS and Application support
- Customised support solutions for different industries.
- Network Security and monitoring
- User management and authentication
- Cloud support for popular platforms
- On Demand support
- Tailor made SLA to meet specific business needs
Server Administration
- New server setup and integration
- Exiting server migration and upgrade
- Day to day server management and operation and many more
- Network design and implementation
- Network monitoring
- Network Security
- Network upgrade and migration
Security Solutions
- Risk Management, Business Intelligence, Threat analysis
- Bug and Vulnerbility ananlysis
- Penetration Testing
- Asset/Infrastructre , System audits
Why do you need IT Support?
Lost Revenue = Revenue/hr x downtime(hrs) x up-time(%) Example: If your revenue is $3,000/hr & your network was down for 2 hours & up-time percentage is 30% your lost revenue would be $1,800/hr.
On Demand Services
Starting atIT Specialists to perform basic maintenance on need to do basis.
IT Specialists to be available on-call should a major problem arise. (* Extra Charges)
You have relatively simple and stable networks with no need for a service desk.
You have a good level of in-house IT expertise and are only looking for supplemental services.
You only seeking on demand ad-hoc support as a requrement for your business.
You are to retain accountability for IT decision making in-house.
All of the fixed cost plans are based on the size and scope of your network.
Essential Services
Starting atYou need IT Specialists to perform basic maintenance.
You need IT Specialists who knows your infrasturtures and be available on-call should a major problem arise.
You have relatively simple and stable networks with little need for a service desk.
Have a good level of in-house IT expertise and are only looking for supplemental services.
You only seeking a few hours per month of ad-hoc support.
You to retain accountability for IT decision making in-house.
All of the fixed cost plans are based on the size and scope of your network.
Total Services
Starting atWant an IT partner that will take ownership and accountability for all IT infrastructure.
Want fixed IT costs based around an IT Service Level Agreement.
Have limited in-house IT knowledge and do not wish to be IT experts.
Need the highest levels of uptime and reliability in their systems.
- Have complex or demanding IT support infrastructure requirements.
Total Support packages are built around a fixed monthly cost for maintenance, infrastructure and unlimited IT support.
All of the fixed cost plans are based on the size and scope of your network.
Work with a team of talented individuals
We can help you run your business more effectively with optimum efficiency with the resources available to you. Our promise is we will always be honest with you, help you get what you want and make your experience with us memorable.